I tried building the Revv clone

Harsh Gaur
3 min readMar 20, 2021


Hi reader, I hope you have landed here while searching for web development project ideas or maybe you got this blog recommended by your friend, or you have randomly searched for web development or maybe https://www.revv.co.in/. Well, as you are here, I would like to tell you a bit about me first. I am Harsh Gaur and I have been learning web development at www.masaischool.com for over 4 months now. In this blog, I would like to share with you a little project that I and a few of my fellow colleagues have made.

What is Revv and what did we actually achieve?

If you have never visited https://www.revv.co.in/, they offer self-drive car rental services 24/7, that are delivered to your doorstep. Users can either rent the cars for a time period or an occasion or they can just subscribe to a car monthly. We used a technology stack containing React, Redux, Node, Express, CSS, JavaScript, and preprocessors like SASS and LESS to add more flavor to the website.

Keeping the challenges aside we enjoyed getting our hands dirty and working on applying the things we have learned so far, such as managing user data using MongoDB.

What did we actually clone?

We tried to implement a workflow where a user could do the following things.

  1. Register and/or log in with multiple users.
  2. Rent or Subscribe to a car.
  3. Book a car according to their needs.
  4. Pay for the card they have selected
  5. Find all the booked or rented cars in their profile.

A little about the teammates and their contributions.

I can’t thank Himanshu Kumar and Manish Raghavan enough, who worked hard for this project to become what it is today. I think the best way to thank them would be to mention their contribution and let their work speak for them.

Himanshu worked on the rental workflow and implemented all the features that are present on the original website.

Manish Raghavan worked on the subscription workflow and also built the database required for rental and subscription.

Though this project was not a piece of cake and neither our 3 days journey was all rainbows, I would say that working with these guys was fun. I used to merge all our codes and was tracking the progress of all of us. Along with that I created the user's database, the landing page, and the user dashboard, managed authentication, implemented private routing, and finally modified the pages to look identical to the original website.

Ending notes

In our humble attempt to clone the https://www.revv.co.in/ website we tried our best to achieve the preciseness with whatever limited knowledge we possess.

If you want to check out the repository and try it yourself, please go to https://github.com/iharshgaur/Revv-Clone and fork the repository.

In the end, I would like to thank you for sticking around to the end. Please like, share, and comment your suggestions down below.

